Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What is "Global Warming"...?

Global Warming refers to an average increase in the Earth's Temperature, which in turn causes changes in climate. A Warmer Earth may lead to changes in rainfall form, a rise in sea level and a wide range of shocks on plants, wildlife and humans. Gases make the Earth Warmer by trapping energy inside the atmosphere. These gases generally caused by human activities, such as burning coal, oil and natural gas, which from all of these emissions, temperature increases on the earth. In addition, greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and some other gases that released into the atmosphere are forming a blanket around the earth, trapping heat and raising temperatures in the ground. Therefore, Global Warming is steadily changing our climate.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Causes of “Global Warming”...!

The causes of global warming are many & each cause of them has its own purpose. I will try to mention most of them in this essay. First cause, the Carbon Dioxide & the other Air Pollution, & those come out from Power Plants that are collected in the atmosphere. Second cause, the Carbon Dioxide that emitted from Cars, & this comes from the burning of gasoline in internal combustion engines of cars. Third cause, the Carbon Dioxide that emitted from Trucks, which used mostly for commercial purposes. Forth cause, the Carbon Dioxide that comes out from the structure of Buildings. Fifth cause, the Deforestation, & this caused by cutting & burning millions of Trees each year that allow all carbon emissions entering the atmosphere.

One of the Causes of “Global Warming”…!

Some scientists have been mentioning lately to recognize that a "Danger" of a quick rising in a sea level due to accelerated Ice-Sheet Melting, so if the huge Ice Shapes in the poles or where ever they were in the world melt, the global sea levels will definitely rise. It is expected that Glaciers (Big Iced Rivers) store as much as 75% of the world's fresh water. Even after warm summers, Arctic Sea Ice usually recovered in wintertime, but this has changed in recent years. Besides showing remarkable leave in the summer, which the Arctic Sea Ice has begun to decline in the wintertime as well. Some scientists have begun to wonder whether Arctic Sea Ice has crossed a critical entry from which it cannot recover.

Effects of "Global Warming"…!

The effects of global warming on earth are actually too many. An increasing of global average of temperature is the main cause of the global warming as we know, so from this flow, a variety of resulting effects are happening. Namely, Rising Sea Levels, Altered Patterns of Agriculture, Increased Extreme Weather Events and the Expansion of the Range of Tropical Diseases. Moreover, the signs of global warming are very remarkable, which they are the reduced snow cover, rising sea levels & weather changes provides examples of consequences of global warming that may influence not only human activities but also ecosystems. Increasing global temperature means that ecosystems may change; some species may be forced out of their habitats (possibly to extinction) because of changing conditions, while others may flourish. Few of the lands of ecoregions on earth could expect to be unaffected.

One of the Effects of “Global Warming”…!

A large number of outline Gases make up the remainder of air's situation in this world. Many of these Gases including Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Methane (CH4) are pretended as a "Greenhouse" Gases. If you have ever felt the sharpness of cold of the clear winter night sky and wondered why you feel warmer on a cloudy winter night, this is because you have experienced the atmospheric "Greenhouse" effect as a firsthand. In addition, which it will be the secondhand, increases in all these Gases are due to humanity’s explosive and this we can call it population growth, which it was over the last century beside the increases in the industrial expansion. Approximately 80% of atmospheric (CO2) increases are due to people use of fossil fuels, which they are oil, coal and Gas.

UAE & "Global Warming"…!

UAE is one of the gulf countries that really had the opportunity to grow up & to be known in a very fast time with a very advanced environment, & this is because the richness in Oil & Gas resources that it has. UAE has about 33% of the world Crude Oil & thousands of cubic meters of reserves Natural Gas resourcing. UAE depends mainly on the Oil & Gas industries as an income. In addition, it has other industrial activities such as Petrochemical Manufacturing Industries, Power Plants & Desalination Plants beside also some other Refineries, which all of these Manufacturers; Plants & Refineries are producing Greenhouse Gases. Moreover, in the recent years the continuous growth of Vehicles (cars, trucks, est.…) is adding some amount of such Gases in to the atmosphere of the UAE.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

“Individual Action in UAE”

What UAE now is facing from advanced industries & more technologies & even the quick growth in population is really unbelievable to what UAE was before. However, after this wide movement of the UAE, we can be proud in what Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid AL-Maktoom planed for this fast motion, which is his currently project that is under construction in the time being, & this project is one of the magnificent ideas that he thought about. The project is the Train that has a role in the sustainable Transportation that environmentally sounds. The tones amount of the (CO2) gases that produced everyday from the vehicles as pollutants will be reduced once the Train of Dubai starts to move. In addition, we are also happy to mention one of the projects that ADNOC is promising the UAE, which is a plan to use a Natural Gas as a Fuel for the vehicles instead of the petrol. This action will reduce some of the pollutions such as sulpher.

In brief on what I Learnt...

Well, first of all, what I learnt during this project is that how I can introduce my work in a best way through the BLOG. Second thing I learnt how to prepare & arrange my BLOG, which it was a wonderful type of showing & sharing knowledge. In addition, I learnt how to go through many websites before choosing the information that I need & I learnt how to extract the points that are related to the specific titles that I have to do. Moreover, this project gave me the ability on how I can judge & say my comments on my classmates BLOGS. Finally, I learnt how to manage my work & my deadlines schedules.