Monday, May 28, 2007

One of the Causes of “Global Warming”…!

Some scientists have been mentioning lately to recognize that a "Danger" of a quick rising in a sea level due to accelerated Ice-Sheet Melting, so if the huge Ice Shapes in the poles or where ever they were in the world melt, the global sea levels will definitely rise. It is expected that Glaciers (Big Iced Rivers) store as much as 75% of the world's fresh water. Even after warm summers, Arctic Sea Ice usually recovered in wintertime, but this has changed in recent years. Besides showing remarkable leave in the summer, which the Arctic Sea Ice has begun to decline in the wintertime as well. Some scientists have begun to wonder whether Arctic Sea Ice has crossed a critical entry from which it cannot recover.


Waddah Al Tamimi said...

it's very good to know that the world has an Environment Saver somewhere in the world.

I just want to make my self clear. You said that level see rising is one of the global warming causes, but I actually think that it's one of the global warming effects.

so what do u say about that?!

Khuzaima AL-Hashimi said...

Well, you are right, sea level is one of the effects of global warming, which it caused by the ice melting shapes.