Sunday, May 27, 2007

“Individual Action in UAE”

What UAE now is facing from advanced industries & more technologies & even the quick growth in population is really unbelievable to what UAE was before. However, after this wide movement of the UAE, we can be proud in what Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid AL-Maktoom planed for this fast motion, which is his currently project that is under construction in the time being, & this project is one of the magnificent ideas that he thought about. The project is the Train that has a role in the sustainable Transportation that environmentally sounds. The tones amount of the (CO2) gases that produced everyday from the vehicles as pollutants will be reduced once the Train of Dubai starts to move. In addition, we are also happy to mention one of the projects that ADNOC is promising the UAE, which is a plan to use a Natural Gas as a Fuel for the vehicles instead of the petrol. This action will reduce some of the pollutions such as sulpher.


Waddah Al Tamimi said...

Hello again Environment Saver.

well I believe that these individual actions would be a great help to reduce the disaster we are facing.

I would like to know if any Action was or will be done by you ?!

Khuzaima AL-Hashimi said...

Thanks Waddah for that.
Well, what I'm trying to do is to reduce the cosumption of the family & to use anything in this life in a good way.

Nehyan Al Ameri said...

Hi Khuzaima,

Do think local people will use that trains.